Sunday, September 21, 2008

Well, I got tagged by Janette. So here goes...

The rules are to list 6 quirks about yourself and then tag six people. Leave them a message on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

1. I know every jingle from every commercial from 1980 and on.
2. I hate drinking my diet coke from a can. It has to be over ice, preferably a fountain drink.
3. According to Haley, I use words that nobody knows. She says she has to carry a dictionary around to understand me. So I said to her, I'm a walking thesaurus. She said "A what?"
4. I totally have to have the back row at the movie, and absolutely need to be there plenty early. Reserved seating was the best invention next to tivo.
5. I suffer from short term memory loss. Don't feel bad if I don't remember your name.(seriously)
6. Apparently, I know a stupid wacky old person expression for every occasion. (It's hotter than a popcorn fart on the 4th of July)

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

I think that last thing on there you can attribute to dear old dad too. :)